In Good Health

The Colorado Health Foundation’s blog is designed to share perspectives, personal stories and what we are learning in our efforts to ensure that, across Colorado, each of us can say: “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

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Why We Need to Understand What Coloradans Think About Their Health
Listening is one of the most important investments the Colorado Health Foundation makes with our
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Walking Tour Image
How We’re Working to Improve Our Grantmaking Communications
A few weeks ago, I was on the phone with a grant applicant who shared thoughts about her recent
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18CHS Blog Post 1 Image
Symposium 2018 Reflections Part Two - What We Learned
A couple days ago, we published our first reflections blog post about this year’s Colorado Health
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18CHS Blog Post 1 Image
Symposium 2018 Reflections Part One - What We Affirmed
In Colorado today, we know that far too many individuals, families and communities are facing
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Neighbor sign
Families Belong Together: Separation Endangers any Chance for Lifelong Health
The image of a crying 2-year-old girl whose mother is being searched and detained near the Mexican
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Board Tour Group 2
Board Perspectives: How We’re Listening to and Seeing Colorado Communities
In early June, the Foundation’s Board of Directors hit the road on three separate tours of Colorado
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Karen Symposium Unplugged
The Connection Between Poverty and Health: A Recap of Symposium Unplugged
As a Senior Program Officer at the Colorado Health Foundation, I am continuously learning how social
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Meeting Coloradans Where They Are
“We heard you love bacon!” This is a refrain that Hillary Fulton, senior program officer at the
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Antonito Weather Vane - Rural - 1400
Sharing Our Refined Strategy for How We Work
About two years ago, I was brand new in my role as President and CEO of the Colorado Health
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Canon City Town
What We Learned Touring a Cañon City Correctional Facility
Southeast Colorado is a land of wide-open spaces. Home to the Wet Mountains and Spanish Peaks, the
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A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Addressing Health from a Local Perspective
Remember those toy kaleidoscopes many of us played with as children? The ones you would shake and
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Clinic Hallway
Exploring the Health Care Perceptions of Low-income Coloradans
Good health is simply not a reality without adequate and equitable access to primary health care
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