当决定变得困难时, We Listen Harder: Survey Reveals Impact of Coronavirus

我的手机会随着提醒而震动, a press conference airs on TV and my Facebook feed lights up – each time with more decisions about how to respond to the coronavirus outbreak, how to protect our health and how to work toward economic recovery.

这场危机已经过去两个多月了, 而且有很多东西需要平衡, 官员们越来越难做出决定. 什么时候开放经济? 如何利用日益减少的国家预算? What supports to put in place for those who are struggling?

当决定变得艰难时,我开始倾听. 作为民意调查的高级官员,这是我的工作. 在我看来, public opinion research is simply a form of listening – not to the pundits or the policymakers, but to people whose lives are being impacted by every decision made.

这就是我们合作的原因 健康的科罗拉多州 在一项针对科罗拉多人的全国性调查中发现了他们的担忧, 需要, experiences and priorities regarding the coronavirus outbreak. 在一起, we wanted to listen to voices that aren’t being heard and lift them up to ensure future decisions are made with them in mind.

If you missed last week’s release of the survey results, watch the 网络研讨会简报 或者查看 幻灯片. 你也可以访问 所有的调查资源, including topline results, crosstabs, verbatim responses and analysis.


We embarked on this research project with the goal of holding up a mirror to Coloradans – to understand the realities and perspectives of the people we exist to serve and reflect those back to decision-makers across the state.

科罗拉多人应该得到及时通知的决定, accurate information about what people are experiencing and how their 需要 and views are evolving. The urgent need for this information was clear, and we sought to move quickly. Nonetheless, it was important to bring rigor to this research without compromising on timeliness.

Conducted by Magellan Strategies between April 15 and April 21, the survey sampled the adult resident population of Colorado based on 2019 U.S. 人口普查估计(18岁或以上). 我们通过电话或网络十大菠菜靠谱平台了1100名科罗拉多人.

在每次22分钟的采访过程中, 我们向每位受访者问了64个问题, 其中很多都集中在人口统计学上, 让我们可以仔细观察一些关键人群. 一个重要的群体是非裔美国人, whom we over-sampled to more thoroughly understand their experiences given state and national data showing a disproportionate impact of the virus on Black communities. 该调查的总体误差幅度为+/- 3.1%.


The results of the survey provide clarity about how the coronavirus crisis has impacted Coloradans, 包括人们的情感, 身体和财务健康. It’s our hope that the findings will help state- and local-level decision-makers, 卫生官员, in determining the next best steps to support recovery efforts. 以下是 重要发现:

  • Coloradans are both hopeful that the future will be better, but fear the worst has yet to come.
  • Young Coloradans and those living on low incomes have been hit hard by the economics of this crisis, 从失业到经济不稳定.
  • A majority of Coloradans support staying at home over reopening the economy.
  • A majority of Coloradans say the stress and worry from the coronavirus outbreak has impacted their mental health.
  • More Coloradans are worried about paying for necessities of daily living like housing, 食物, 公用事业和处方药.
  • Coloradans overwhelmingly feel the government should do more to make health care more affordable, 支持那些负担不起食物和住房的人, 并提供带薪病假和家事假.
  • Most people feel there are significant changes ahead to the way we live, 社交和工作, 即使在冠状病毒疫情得到控制之后.


It took less than a week to conduct these interviews – far faster than is typical – because Coloradans were eager to tell 他们的故事. They wanted decision-makers to know what they’re going through, what they fear and what they need.

当被要求描述他们的担忧时, respondents spoke most often about health and financial worries. Many also described being very stressed, depressed, anxious or fearful:

  • “我担心打开东西太早. 人们认为一切都很好. People are trying to go back to normal, but things are getting worse." -女性,18-29岁,威尔德县人
  • “I’m afraid of getting infected or getting furloughed from my job or basically being laid off by my company.-男性,35-39岁,亚当斯县人
  • “我最担心的是我的经济状况. 我直接因为病毒丢了工作. I was working at a staffing agency, and they stopped using the service.-男,18-29岁,城市 & 丹佛县
  • “我觉得自己被困住了,很孤独." -女性,18-29岁,威尔德县人
  • “I am unsure and fearful of the unknown and what is going to happen.-男性,30-34岁,普韦布洛县人
  • “我比平时压力更大. 我更关心家人的健康.-男性,60-64岁,道格拉斯县人

这场危机的影响是深远的. Most of us know someone who is hurting, whose life has been turned upside-down. This survey shows just how widespread the impact has been and how great the 需要 are and will continue to be.


Listening has become the backbone of our approach at the Foundation – across everything we do. Research is just one way we listen, but it’s a powerful one.

The information gleaned from this survey reminds me of the pivotal role research can – and must – play in the midst of a crisis. It’s the thing that keeps us from going down a path that worsens the suffering of people bearing the brunt of the fallout of the pandemic. 现在, 官员们越来越难做决定, we can help – because we know a little more about what Coloradans are really dealing with. 我们是通过倾听而到达那里的.

The Foundation is devoted to learning more about the perspectives, 的态度, beliefs and concerns of Coloradans to amplify the voices of people who have historically had less power and privilege, 告知决策并推动变革. 通过研究和分析, 我们可以扩展我们对健康的看法, better our understanding of which solutions work and expand opportunities for health equity in Colorado.

We’re committed to listening – and we’re in it for the long haul.

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