The Colorado Health Foundation Welcomes New 董事会 Members 胡安娜borda, 劳伦Y. Casteel, 莎拉EchoHawk and 加里森奥尔蒂斯 Join the Foundation’s 董事会

丹佛- The Colorado Health Foundation is thrilled to announce 胡安娜borda, 劳伦Y.Casteel, 莎拉EchoHawk and 加里森奥尔蒂斯 as the newest members of its  董事会. The Foundation also thanks Cedric Buchanon, Jerome Davis and Eileen Byrne for their service on the 董事会 until their terms ended in December 2023.

胡安娜borda is the president of Mestiza Leadership International, a company that works to support an inclusive society by developing diversity and leadership resources. She is a long-time leader in diversity, leadership development and the advancement of Latinos. Bordas founded Denver’s Mi Casa Women’s Center and is the bestselling author of “The Power of Latino Leadership.” Serving others has been a lifelong path for Bordas; she brings her lived experience, 全球视角, and dedication to creating positive change to The Colorado Health Foundation’s 董事会.

“I look forward to having a positive impact on the excellent work The Colorado Health Foundation is doing,博尔达斯说。. “Serving others is a part of who I am. I’m proud to work with a foundation I know is building the capacity of health and 股本 organizations across Colorado.”

劳伦Y. Casteel is the president and CEO of The Women’s Foundation of Colorado (WFCO), the only statewide community foundation focused on gender, 种族和经济平等. 自2015年以来,她一直执掌世界粮食计划署, making her the first person in Colorado to have led three separate foundations; she previously led The Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation and was a vice president at The Denver Foundation. Casteel has also been recognized on the state and national level for her leadership, excellence and dedication to inclusivity in philanthropy. In 2014, she was inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame; in 2024 she was honored with the Governor’s Citizenship Medal.

“Joining the board is a way I can support The Colorado Health Foundation and their dedication to centering 股本 and justice in their philanthropic practices,卡斯泰尔说. “I am excited to collaborate with other Colorado leaders doing their part to create health 股本 in our state.”

莎拉EchoHawk is the president of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), an organization dedicated to advancing Indigenous people in STEM. Echohawk is also a member of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma and has spent 20 years of her career working on behalf of Indigenous people. She’s previously held roles at First Nations Development Institute, 美国印第安大学基金, and taught Native American studies courses at Metro State University of Denver. In addition to working in Colorado, EchoHawk also served on the national level advocating for more opportunities for historically underrepresented groups in the tech industry as well as on the Obama Administration’s Ambassador for the U. S. Department of Energy’s Minorities in Energy Initiative.

“The Colorado Health Foundation is making an impact across the state,” EchoHawk says. “I look forward to connecting with organizations that partner with the Foundation to serve their communities.”

加里森奥尔蒂斯 is the chief financial officer of Colorado State University Pueblo. Ortiz has spent much of his career serving his community with his financial expertise and passion for the power of education. He has served as the Pueblo County Commissioner, on the State 董事会 of Community Colleges and Occupational Education, 作为一名教育者. Ortiz is responsible for bringing the first diversity, 股本, inclusion program in the Pueblo County government and will bring this experience to The Colorado Health Foundation 董事会.

“There are many ways to serve our fellow community members,” Ortiz says. “As a member of The Colorado Health Foundation 董事会, I look forward to supporting organizations doing hands-on work to create health 股本 in our state.”

“胡安娜, 劳伦, 莎拉, and Garrison are all experienced professionals with careers that illuminate their dedication to creating a more equitable Colorado,凯伦·麦克尼尔-米勒说, president and CEO of The Colorado Health Foundation. “I look forward to the unique perspectives and passion they will bring to our 董事会 as we work together to improve the health and well-being of our state.”

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