
My phone vibrates with an alert, 新闻发布会在电视上播出,我的脸书动态亮了起来——每次都有更多十大菠菜靠谱老平台如何应对冠状病毒爆发的决定, 如何保护我们的健康,如何为经济复苏而努力.

More than two months into this crisis, and with much to balance, the decisions are getting harder for officials. When to open up the economy? How to stretch the diminishing state budget? 为那些正在挣扎的人提供什么样的支持啊?

When decisions get hard, I start listening. As senior officer of public opinion insights, it’s my job. In my view, 民意调查只是一种倾听的形式,而不是听权威人士或政策制定者的, 而是对那些生活被每一个决定所影响的人.

That’s why we partnered with Healthier Colorado on a statewide survey of Coloradans about their concerns, needs, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台冠状病毒爆发的经验和优先事项. Together, 我们想倾听那些没有被听到的声音,并提升它们,以确保未来的决策是在考虑到它们的情况下做出的.

如果你错过了上周公布的调查结果,请看 webinar briefing or check out the slides. You can also access all the survey resources,包括顶线结果、交叉表、逐字回复和分析.

Our Survey Approach: Rigor and Speed


Coloradans deserve decisions informed by timely, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台人们正在经历的事情以及他们的需求和观点如何演变的准确信息. 对这一信息的迫切需要是明确的,我们设法迅速采取行动. 尽管如此,重要的是在不影响及时性的情况下严谨地进行这项研究.

该调查由麦哲伦战略公司于4月15日至4月21日进行, 该调查对科罗拉多州的成年常住人口进行了抽样调查.S. Census estimates (age 18 or older). We reached 1,100 Coloradans via phone or online.

Over the course of each 22-minute interview, we asked 64 questions of each respondent, many of which focused on demographics, allowing us to look closely at a number of key populations. One important population is African Americans, 我们对他们进行了过度抽样,以便更彻底地了解他们的经历,因为州和国家数据显示病毒对黑人社区的影响不成比例. The overall margin of error for the survey was +/- 3.1%.

Key Findings: What Decision-Makers Need to Know

调查结果清楚地说明了冠状病毒危机是如何影响科罗拉多人的, including people’s emotional, physical and financial health. 我们希望这些发现能够帮助州和地方一级的决策者, and health officials, 决定下一步支持恢复工作的最佳步骤. Here are the key findings:

  • 科罗拉多人都希望未来会更好,但担心最坏的情况还没有到来.
  • 科罗拉多州的年轻人和低收入者受到这场经济危机的沉重打击, from job losses to financial insecurity.
  • 大多数科罗拉多人支持呆在家里,而不是重新开放经济.
  • 大多数科罗拉多州人表示,冠状病毒爆发带来的压力和担忧影响了他们的心理健康.
  • 越来越多的科罗拉多人担心支付住房等日常生活必需品的费用, food, utilities and prescription drugs.
  • 绝大多数科罗拉多州人认为政府应该采取更多措施,使医疗保健更容易负担, support individuals who cannot afford food and housing, and provide paid sick and family leave.
  • 大多数人认为我们的生活方式将发生重大变化, socialize and work, even after the coronavirus outbreak is under control.

In Their Words

他们花了不到一周的时间来进行这些采访——比一般情况要快得多——因为科罗拉多人急于说出真相 their stories. 他们希望决策者知道他们正在经历什么,他们害怕什么,他们需要什么.

When asked to describe their concerns, 受访者最常谈到的是健康和经济方面的担忧. 许多人还描述了他们非常紧张、沮丧、焦虑或恐惧:

  • “I am worried about opening things too soon. People are thinking that everything is okay. 人们都在努力恢复正常,但情况却越来越糟.” – Female, 18-29 years of age, Weld County
  • “我害怕被感染,或者被暂时解雇,或者基本上被公司解雇.” – Male, 35-39 years of age, Adams County
  • “What worries me the most is my finances. I lost my job directly because of the virus. 我当时在一家人力资源公司工作,他们不再使用这项服务了.” – Male, 18-29 years of age, City & County of Denver
  • “I’ve felt very trapped and alone.” – Female, 18-29 years of age, Weld County
  • “我不确定,害怕未知的事情和将要发生的事情.” – Male, 30-34 years of age, Pueblo County
  • “I am more stressed out than normal. I have more concerns about my family members’ health.” – Male, 60-64 years of age, Douglas County

The impacts of this crisis are far-reaching. 我们大多数人都知道有人受伤了,他们的生活被颠覆了. 这项调查显示了影响是多么广泛,需求是多么巨大,并将继续如此.

A Long-Term Commitment

倾听已经成为我们基金会方法的支柱——贯穿我们所做的一切. 研究只是我们倾听的一种方式,但它是一种强大的方式.

从这次调查中收集到的信息让我想起了研究在危机中可以——而且必须——发挥的关键作用. 只有这样,我们才能避免走上一条加剧受疫情影响最严重的人民痛苦的道路. Now, as decisions are getting harder and harder for officials, 我们可以提供帮助——因为我们更了解科罗拉多人的真实处境. We got there by listening.

基金会致力于更多地了解这些观点, attitudes, 以扩大历史上权力和特权较少的人的声音, inform decisions and drive change. By engaging in research and analysis, we can expand how we think about health, 更好地了解哪些解决方案有效,并扩大科罗拉多州卫生公平的机会.


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