

科罗拉多人面临着前所未有的健康问题, social and economic setbacks as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 虽然这场危机对一些人来说可能是暂时的, it’s slamming the door on stability and well-being for others – deepening inequities that keep health out of reach.

People who have historically had less power and privilege due to race and socioeconomic status are bearing the brunt – losing jobs, health care (if they were lucky enough to have it in the first place), 照顾孩子,甚至是他们的家. 这些家庭一次又一次地克服了困难, yet this new landscape is buckling their knees and testing resilience. 他们的解脱在哪里??

Organizations working on the front lines to address rapidly increasing emergencies related to food, housing and safety net services were already stretched thin, 现在更是如此. Nonprofit staffers and health professionals are working tirelessly to meet basic needs with dwindling supplies and insufficient protections.

Our grantees and partners are helping us understand the critical needs emerging from communities disproportionately affected. We are here for you – and we are working to open doors as fast as we can.


我们总是在寻找打开大门的方法. That’s our approach every day – and it’s our obsession during this unprecedented crisis. 我们不能准确地预测将会发生什么, 也不知道这会持续多久, but as long as marginalized individuals and families living on low income need us, 我们将和他们站在一起.

We’re doing our best to open as many doors for as many people as we can – quickly. We’re continuously adjusting our response plans based on what we’re hearing from the communities we exist to serve. We know small but mighty community-based organizations are going to be pushed to their operational limits, 有些甚至要关闭. 我们也在考虑服务提供商. 我们知道你很累,比以往任何时候都要努力工作. The challenges of this crisis are unprecedented, as are the demands on our nonprofit sector. As long as folks focused on health equity need us, we’ll be here – standing with you.

We’re continuing to consider scenarios to figure out how to open as many doors as possible, and to identify changes we’ll need to make for the foreseeable future to meet the needs of this crisis and its aftermath.


基金会已承诺 基金会理事会的承诺 to take critical action with fierce urgency to support our nonprofit partners as this catastrophe unfolds. 我们是这样实现这一承诺的:

We trust the expertise of our grantees – especially at a time like this. 像这样, we’ve made all current project and capacity building grants flexible so grantees can use funds to address COVID-19-related challenges. We’ve also suspended grant reporting requirements until at least June 30, 2020, 我们为所有补助金提供免费延期. (问题? 参考我们的 受助人常见问题解答.)

In addition to the flexibility we’ve made available for current grants, to date, we’ve given $13.5 million to relief efforts and related challenges across Colorado, including but not limited to:

  • $1.200万到全州,协调 科罗拉多州COVID救济基金, 向从事预防工作的非营利组织提供资助, impact and recovery with disproportionately affected populations
  • $1 million to food access and security efforts, including 喂养科罗拉多 食物银行和 Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger’s COVID-19 Hunger Relief Fund, supporting communities at greater risk of economic consequences of the crisis
  • $1.500万美元用于初级保健, with donations directed to federally qualified health centers and other community safety net clinics
  • $960,000美元用于住房支持, with donations for organizations serving people experiencing homelessness and homeless encampments
  • $2 million to health care for personal protective equipment production and procurement, 并支持公共卫生规划工作
  • $3.8 million to small, community-based nonprofits aligned with 我们的基石 and serving populations disproportionately affected by the crisis
  • $500,000 to the Ayuda Fund at the Latino Community Foundation
  • 50万美元捐给科罗拉多妇女基金会

我们编制了一个 资源的多样性, including information about emergency funding across the state, 政府对此的回应是, 州和地方各级), 危机沟通技巧, 业务操作辅助工具, 以及针对特定人群和问题的股权工具.

If you missed our briefing on the Federal, State and Local Government Response (March 20), 看录音 看看我们的 当地司法管辖区追踪 to understand what cities, counties and school districts are putting in place.

我们也做了一个艰难的决定,取消 科罗拉多州卫生专题讨论会 (2020年7月29日至31日),我们正在考虑替代方案. We thank all who participated in exploratory conversations around this year’s theme. 你的投入将有助于未来的努力.


随着危机的发展, communities can help us understand which doors need opening, what’s getting in the way and how we can keep them open. I’m confident we can curb long-term impacts on the Coloradans hit hardest – but only if we give now and give generously. That means all of us – all who have the power to listen to community and open doors.

In a state of nearly six million people, hundreds of thousands enjoy financial stability. 想象一下如果只有25,000 Coloradans who have the means gave the equivalent of the $1,200 stimulus check we’ve heard about to organizations working on the front lines. That alone would infuse $30 million into the coronavirus response across the state.

底线:给予没有错的门. 无论你选择哪扇门, there’s someone in need on the other side – someone dealing with a reality starkly different than our own. 给予是我们的义务. 给予是我们的食粮. 给予是我们的人性. If you can give, and if you can encourage others to give, please – open doors.

注:科罗拉多州慈善机构维持了一个 其他救济基金名单 建立在整个州.

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