Road to recovery

Listening for Answers and Looking in the Mirror

Everything we do is with an eye and ear toward community. 这就是为什么在这动荡的几周里,我们一点也不孤立. 我们正在使用一切可能的手段来保持十大菠菜靠谱平台,我们将继续努力成为一个首先倾听的投资者, acts second and then listens again. 倾听科罗拉多人的故事和观点是我在基金会工作中最喜欢的方面之一.

People bearing the brunt of injustices are the real experts. 现在外面有很多噪音,我们必须消除这些噪音. Mothers and fathers have answers. 护士、行为健康工作者和收容所工作人员有答案. School cafeteria workers, bus drivers and teachers have answers. 杂货商、食品银行工作人员和送货司机都有答案. 以社区为基础的基层组织的领导人有答案. We must listen.

我们听到的故事正在帮助我们决定如何以及何时可以 open more doors with and within the communities we serve. 有一件事是非常清楚的:虽然目前我们所有人都处于危机管理模式, the road to recovery is going to be long.

我们现在有责任为社区尽我们所能, and when the time for recovery is upon us, we shouldn’t act surprised by the headlines. 与种族和社会经济地位有关的不公正现象长期困扰着我国. We must put an end to it.

Supporting Disproportionately Affected Communities 
冠状病毒大流行正以可怕的速度暴露出一个长期存在的事实:有色人种和低收入人群所忍受的不平等可能使他们失去生计和生命. What we know today is 科罗拉多州的有色人种感染率更高,黑人居民的死亡率也在以惊人的速度上升 in comparison to their share of the state’s population.

We must not inadvertently perpetuate systematic biases. While these times are unprecedented and disorienting, 我们的筹资努力不能仅仅反映良好的意愿和迅速的行动. Instead, they must signal a deliberate, 有条理地解决基于种族和社会经济的不平等现象,以便在社区中部署最有效的资源投资.

为此,我们正在迅速与“健康科罗拉多州”合作,开展一项 statewide poll to learn about the concerns, needs, 科罗拉多人对冠状病毒大流行的经历和态度受到了不成比例的影响. 我们希望在5月初与联邦政府的关键决策者分享调查结果, 每个部门的州和地方领导人——在这个关键时刻提供他们需要的信息,以保护公众的健康并支持全面复苏.

我们也认识到,针对亚裔美国人社区的种族主义事件正在激增. 我们很荣幸能与亚裔美国人/太平洋岛民慈善组织(AAPIP)和130多个慈善服务机构一起签署一份 call to action against racist targeting.

Opening More Doors 
It has been said that the emptying of office buildings, businesses, public transportation, 城市广场和信仰中心可能是我们一生中可能看到的最显著的全球团结行动. 如果我们也能这样说,我们如何团结起来,以确保我们不会使过去的错误永久化,这些错误使历史上权力较小的家庭蒙受损失, 一代又一代,在难以形容的环境下享有特权和收入,仅仅是因为他们的肤色或钱包里的钱?

What if, 10 years from now, 我们可以说,我们在2020年采取的拆除延长贫困和无能循环的制度的行动,是我们一生中可能看到的最显著的民族团结行动? 让我们向全国展示,我们可以在科罗拉多州做到这一点——共同打开更多的大门.

这通常不像走到一扇关着的门前然后打开它那么简单. 在某些情况下,我们必须打破锁或敲开一扇被封住的门. 有些门的另一边甚至还有人挡着,阻止我们进入.

What keys will unlock those doors? What policy and practice changes? 在我们的城镇、城市和国家,或者在我们自己的镜子里,我们必须面对多么难以忽视的真相啊? Which of our neighbors have we unconsciously deemed unworthy, less than or even accused of reaping what they’ve sown? On the other side of this reflection, we need action. How ready and willing are we? I know we’re capable of it.

We’ll get through this if we take meaningful action. 尽管目前的情况与我们一个多世纪以来所见的都不一样, 这使得长期影响一些人日常生活的不平等现象更难被忽视. 让我们利用这一时刻,寻找和倾听我们可以共同打开的大门,从而迎来真正的进步.

An Update on Our Funding Efforts

  • 到2020年,我们将在最初预算的基础上至少增加25%的社区投资,以帮助应对未来几个月疫情的演变和长期影响.
  • We’re modifying the funding opportunities 在我们2020年6月的拨款截止日期之前提供,以满足他们在这一新景观下的社区. Specifically, 我们将关闭响应性拨款项目和两个资助机会(资本基础设施-代际/家庭体育活动和校外体育活动),为期6月. We’ll communicate more later this month. Questions? Contact your program officer (find them under “Community Investment & Impact”) or [email protected] if you’re unsure who yours is.
  • This week, 我们正在向构成科罗拉多州精神健康安全网的组织捐款, totaling $760,000. One in five adults in the U.S. 经历过精神疾病,但这个数字在动荡中正在攀升. 供应商正在扩大远程医疗,并保持开放,以满足所需支持的增加.
  • We’re continuing to support the statewide, coordinated Colorado COVID Relief Fund, which is releasing its first round of funding this week. The next application deadline is this Saturday. We are offering $2 million in matching funds to double gifts 从企业、慈善机构和个人捐赠者那里获得1万美元或更多. 

Note: For more information, take a look at our Grants FAQs and our COVID-19 resource webpage, and reference this list of relief funds maintained by Philanthropy Colorado.

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